Join the Renaissance

Who is the real author? Following the recent FBI raid of the ex-presidential compound in Mar-a-lago, FL, from acclaimed critic, scholar, and ghostwriter, Amory Patrick Blaine, there comes a startling love story and true tale of unthinkable evil, ideological warfare, and spine-chilling government secrets. But enter at your own discretion, for anyone who dares have access to this edited release and the unprecedented leak from the classified memoirs of a true undercover informant, both the world of spirit and material reality of our civilization itself will never be the same.

welcome to the ground breaking new series:

Click on the cover for early access the monumental spy story based on mysterious role of the cia in the founding of modern art and the new de-classified revelations which now threaten to forever change the course & meaning of art history as we know it.

Ambitious and contemporary in scope, American Renaissance enters the literary arena as an upmarket “Supernatural-spy-thriller,” weaving in art history, parody, and politics with a philosophical bent.

It has the ability to intellectually engage as well as hilariously entertain on widely differing levels. At once achieving a literary tone at times reminiscent of works as distinct as “The Sympathizer” (the 2016 Pulitzer Prize in Fiction), Donna Tartt’s “The Secret History” – or the commercial instincts of “The Davinci Code” – it also brings a philosophical depth which at times evokes perennial classics such as “A Confederacy of Dunces” or “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.”

Part spy novel and part murder mystery critique of the Post-Modern art market set in 1990s Paris, the novel is both a finely polished action-driven up-market international thriller as well as a meaty intellectual romp about the plight of the modern artist living in the spiritual and religious vortex at the turning point of the millennium.

The full story comprises Books 1, 2, and 3 set in Paris. (Each volume or book section may be read separately or as a unified longer novel-memoir many years in completion.)

Behind the Idea

J.N. Harding

Jarrod Maxwell Smythe

Amadeo Effscott

Daniel J. Barrowman III

Samuel George Templeton Sr.

Lilah al-Hazara

Sean Dorian Knight

Jude Chapman Paul

Veronica Ray

Sheik Maqsood Abu al-Hazara

HIs Code Name is "Amadeo Effscott." The sole survivor of a mission of unspeakable Evil and secrecy. But why is he being hunted down on the streets of Paris, France? And what is so consequential about the terrifying cover-up behind the 1993 Waco-Massacre in Texas that - ever since these mysterious memoirs were leaked following the infamous FBI raid of Mar-a-lago - only he has had the courage to bring to the awareness of the unsuspecting public?

"an artist must not just live in the know, but exist in the power"

- sean dorian knight

Pre-order your 1st edition of american renaissance here :

Or get all 3 E-books of the incredible trilogy at an amazing price

Amory Patrick Blaine

Amory Patrick Blaine writes at the intersection of art + commerce, religion, and digital transformation. How the IOT is changing our planet's economy and the cultural legacy we will pass on to the next generation of leaders.

Sometimes available for speaking at select business, economics, or educational venues, he is a veteran Author, PR Mentor & Content Strategist of blockbuster growth for Artists, Brands, Think Tanks, and Creative Companies who want to leverage his expertise to bring their story into the world.

Amory Patrick Blaine

Amory Patrick Blaine writes at the intersection of art + commerce, religion, and digital transformation. How the IOT is changing our planet's economy and the cultural legacy we will pass on to the next generation of leaders.

Sometimes available for speaking at select business, economics, or educational venues, he is a veteran Author, PR Mentor & Content Strategist of blockbuster growth for Artists, Brands, Think Tanks, and Creative Companies who want to leverage his expertise to bring their story into the world.
Click to learn more

American Renaissance

Inquiry Concerning Political Justice in the Arts & Its Influence on Morals and Happiness